Learning the Art of Writing

Venuseed’s Word

I am a Mum to Libby and Amelia who have grown and flown and are living great lives and I am so proud of them.

In my working life I have been a Community Development Worker /Youthworker and Project Development Worker for both District Councils and County Councils in Nottinghamshire mostly and  so empowerment is strong on the list of to do’s
In my spare time have been an active in fighting for justice for those  who have suffered  child sexual abuse. I now run a group on a website called Points with Purpose at www,pointwithpurpose.com the group is called Support Towards Your Healing.
I have developed and run workshops on self-development and developed self-help groups and over the past twenty years  I am self taught in the art of being creative, and I love creative writing, well really anything creative.

Creativity is a form of magic for me and it has been instrumental in my healing and helped me connect to my soul. i have two sides to me one that wants to spend a lot of time alone and the other that excels at chatting to folk, and being the life and soul.

Here are some of the things that have help me become  a conscious human being

Vipassana Meditation, I have a direct line to my spirituality through meditation and  prayer, hope and laughter essential in keeping my soul happy.Reading and secrets…..shhh dont tell any one, finding the secrets of my own soul and discovering its full potential rates highly too.

Astrology, I have been learning the symbols and how to develop charts intuitively and especially my own chart it feels to me like a key and Jung and his description of astrology and symbolism I find very instructive. Alice Baily and many of her descriptions of the human journey I wish I had written.Thoth  Cards, have aided my self-development and opened my understanding and consciousness  and to Carl Rodgers and his unconditional love.

My all time love is music and it has always spoken to me on a deep and empowering level, it singlehandedly has been responsible for the growth in my self-esteem  in every way  and became  my lives blood. I became a singer and song writer and trained with a gospel teacher in 1993 through a community arts project.

I completed a two-year course in Popular Music and Technologies and I own a Bodhran and have played in several Irish bands over the years especially mt really good friend Joe Dolan who had the patience to listen and I had grown up with. Singing, once I had found my voice it  was an exceptional sound, the only difficultly was I could not remember lyrics, words, eluded me, and this has been a great drawback to me it lowered my confidence, but I battled with it and this has been part of the  learning difficulty I had , and I explain here how I over come it. Metaphysics took me by the hand and taught me about my spiritual path, my cause and effect, my own power, universal law and my part  in it.
And it led me to a better understanding of psychic healing and laughter  which are at the top of my list of passions. My other passions and obsessions are festivals has many in the summer as I can get to, bikers, designing, gardening, cooking and last but not least my cats
I love blogging too it has helped me learn to write and express myself and I hope here you join me on my journey.

Here are some of the music books and films that I have loved and this is not exhaustive but a taste of things to come.
Bob Marley, Joni Mitchell, Cold Play  Bodhran Drumming,
David GrayBillie Holiday, Bob Dylan, Annie Lennox,
Reggae, World Music, U2
Dance, Massive Attack, Radiohead,  New Age
Green Day  Gospel, Celtic, Beatles, Blues, Folk, Jazz,
Rock, The Pogue’s, Ella Fitzgerald, Van Morrison,
Patti Smith Tom Petty Neil Young, Christie Moore.
My Films
The Green Mile, Shaw shank Redemption, Lord of the Rings,
Fried Green Tomatoes, Finding Nemo, Musicals,
Sliding Doors, Life of Brian, Bad Santa. Erin Brockovitic
My Books
Courage to Heal by Ellen Bass, Fantasy,
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Spirituality: The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall.
Self Help Books; The Fuck It Project by John
Psychology: My Mother Myself by Nancy Friday
The Artist Way A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self
by Julia Cameron
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by
Angels and Doreen Virtue
The Road Less Travelled by Scott M Peck
Billy by Pamela Stephenson.
Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain.
The Master Key by Charles Handy
Understanding Human Communication by Ronald B.Adler and George Rodman

Here is my contact for Facebook

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